
APK Type
APK Type is the independent type foundry founded and led by Dutch design studio Autograph Peter Korsman. We design and offer distinctive typefaces and font families (retail and custom) for use in print and the digital realm.

Believe The Type
Type as a vehicle for ideas, identity and expression. At Autograph we believe in the significant influence of typography on how a brand is equipped, voiced and perceived. That’s why we create bespoke type solutions and/or bespoke typefaces for our clients. Applying this practice to the development of retail fonts felt like a logical step.

After several years of selling typefaces through autograph.works, it was time to start our own foundry. In the process we have expanded our catalog and will continue to do so. Expect contemporary font families, experimental (headline) typefaces and offerings in our unique concept; XCL Typefaces.

In addition to our independently designed typefaces available, we also offer bespoke typeface development and exclusive licensing of modified versions of our existing typefaces and font families. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to discuss a new project.

We’ve developed bespoke and made APK Fonts-derivative typefaces for a wide range of companies, including: Apple, The Bentway, City of Amsterdam, City of ’s-Hertogenbosch, Equinox, Flight Forum, Kongregate, Spark Campus, Valley Eyewear, Wired Magazine

Trial Fonts
We offer free trials of our entire font library (excluding XCL fonts). The trial fonts have a limited character set; they include uppercase, lowercase, numerals and a basic set of punctuation marks. We trust that you will respect the EULA and, if necessary, obtain the appropriate license.
Download Trial Package here.

Current Team
Type design, art direction
Peter Korsman (NL), www.autograph.works
Type development
Maël Bächtold CH), www.maelbachtold.ch
Daan Jesper Kars (BE), www.daankars.com

For inquiries and/or questions, please email us at

Website development
Buro Meta (NL)